
Women's Issues

Women’s issues cover a wide-range of topics in the field of psychotherapy. They also have some different health care needs than do men, approach relationships and developmental tasks differently, and often struggle with self-esteem, body image, and sexuality concerns.

Women tend to suffer from:

  • Mood disorders like depression, anxiety
  • Self-destructive or self-sabotaging behavior, Self-injury like cutting on the skin
  • Pressure to overachieve, perfectionism, being the *Super-Mom*
  • Sexual and intimacy problems
  • Body image problems, destructive relationships to food, and eating disorders
  • Sexual identity issues
  • Problems with an addiction including: substance abuse, gaming, compulsive shopping, and compulsive overeating.
  • Being a trauma survivor of sexual/physical abuse (past or present), rape, emotional abuse, and re-victimization
  • Struggling with feeling a lack of empowerment
  • Relationship problems like choosing the wrong partners, staying in destructive, empty, or depleting relationships, being overly accommodating, and feeling afraid to leave unhealthy relationships
Group of multi-cultural women laughing and smiling at each other

Psychotherapy can help women manage the feelings associated with these struggles; recognize, understand and change self-defeating patterns, heal past pain, discover and foster inner strength, and learn new ways of behaving in relationships that allow them to get what they want and feel good about themselves.

What's Next?

Psychotherapy Services of Atlanta strives to ensure we provide families & individuals with quality therapeutic counseling services designed to strengthen and heal the mental and emotional well being of our clients. Our team of licensed clinicians and nutritionists are specialists in providing treatment for a variety of issues that affect your families general well-being, both nutritionally and emotionally.